
SECRET ATTRACTION is THE place for sensitive Women who are tired of going against their bodies. It is for every Woman who wants to fall in love with herself. For every Woman who dreams of feeling free and independent, wanting to show herself to the world, being loud and explosive and emotional. It is for every Woman who wants to take back her power. It is for every Woman who wants to start walking through life with confidence and belief in who she is. At SECRET ATTRACTION I teach you how to step into your most radiant self. Through 1-1 Sessions, Coaching Programs and Women Circles.

how secret attraction was created

When I started offering Private Sessions in 2020 I wanted to teach women how to uplevel as dancers. Little did I know that i was about to not only completely change how others approached dance, but Women who have never dance before were suddenly drawn to explore their bodies like never before.

What started as a side project mid pandemic to give Women a space to dance while the world was shut down, has turned into Mentorings that completely transformed how my clients moved and perceived themselves. SECRET ATTRACTION was born a year later — out of the necessity I saw. I realized how so many Women around me were trapped in negative spirals, disliking their bodies and themselves, hiding in discomfort, not going after their dreams and desires.


In my Mentorings & Workshops I give you everything I wish I had: the tools, the honesty, the exercises, the rituals, the guidance, the space to open up, be vulnerable and rise.

My Mentoring is nothing you’ve experienced before. It is the most unique mix of Body, Mind & Soulwork. Being a professional Dancer movement is a very important tool in my tool box. Dance is revealing, healing and let’s your body speak to your soul and your soul speak to your body. No words needed. It’s a simple form of expression, but so powerful and strong. I’ll always respect the point you’re at and your unique body.

client love

„choosing you as my coach was the best decision of my life.“

– Timna

„the work with you was the most important step i did towards self love. never in my life have i felt so good about myself and seeing how this reflected on all other areas of my life was beyond beautiful.“

– Mona